Author’s Guidelines

Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and finished. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors. Original research work as well as research related News / Articles/ Reports are welcomed.

We also accept the extended versions of papers previously published in conferences and journals. Papers must be written in English for print publication, while for online publication any language would be considered in proper format. Papers submitted must be in MS Word format with file extension *.doc. Papers that do not follow the norms will not be published.

Files infected with viruses, will not be processed.

Page Setup:
Paper Size: A4 (must be paginated)

Margins: (must be maintained)
Left – 1.5 inches
Right – 1 inch
Top – 1.5 inches
Bottom – 1 inch

Font – Times New Roman – Regular – Size – 11

Line Spacing- 1.5

Alignment – Justified

The title – centered, Times New Roman (12 font), Bold capital letters with Dark Teal color
The names of the authors – First capital and next with small letters, same font size

Abstract – must be in English and in Italic font. (150-200 words)
Key Words – on a new line in italic font (maximum 5 key words)
Presentation text – begin on a blank line below. (Blank lines are left only if necessary).
Paper Submission – via email : – [email protected] or [email protected]
Copyright form or Registration form is MUST for submission of paper.